One of the most essential body parameters that you should look outfor is your blood pressure because it is an indication of your current health.You have to understand and listen to your body so that you will know what to donext. You also have to be equipped with the knowledge of remedies to cure lowblood pressure if you, indeed, have low blood pressure as well as the rightsteps to take if you have hypertension. The question right now would be, whatis considered high? Here is your basic guide to blood pressure readings.

Everything You Need to Know about BloodPressure Readings

Essential Tools for Accurate Blood PressureMeasurement

To know your blood pressure levels, you must have the right tools to get accurate measurements. One recommended blood pressure monitor that you can get is the HUAWEI Watch D2 wearable. It is a smartwatch that can also take precise measurements of your blood pressure because of the integrated inflatable airbag that works effectively in a matter of seconds. You can bring this stylish smartwatch anywhere and with just a click on the screen, you will be able to take blood pressure measurements. You can even set the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring feature which measures your blood pressure at specific intervals for 24 hours. This will give you an idea if you need to take remedies to cure low blood pressure or high blood pressure.

Decoding Blood Pressure Readings: Systolicvs. Diastolic Pressure

When you have your HUAWEI Watch D2 blood pressure monitor, you canuse the feature of the device to get your blood pressure. The reading willconsist of two blood pressure readings- the systolic blood pressure and thediastolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure is the maximum readingthat you have during the ventricle contraction. The diastolic blood pressure isthe minimum blood pressure before the next contraction. They both have units ofmm Hg or millimeters of mercury, a unit of pressure. Standardized tools allhave the same units of measure for blood pressure.

If you have a normal blood pressure reading, your HUAWEI Watch D2will show a 120/80 mm Hg reading. A lower blood pressure will indicate asystolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg and a diastolic blood pressure of 60 mm Hg.If your blood pressure monitor shows 120 to 129 systolic blood pressure andless than 80 diastolic mm Hg, you have elevated blood pressure. You have a highblood pressure stage 1 if your systolic is 140 or higher with a diastolic bloodpressure of 90 or higher. You are in a hypertensive crisis if your systolicblood pressure is higher than 180 and your diastolic blood pressure of higherthan 120.

Tips for Achieving Normal Blood PressureReadings Through Lifestyle Changes

You can get your normal blood pressure reading back if you focus onyour health again. To achieve this, you must choose a healthy diet. You musteat foods that can help you reach the optimal blood pressure requirement. Youcan also do some workouts to keep your body healthy and strong. Another way tonormalize your blood pressure is to have long and good sleep so that yourecuperate from stress and rebuild your tissues.


Blood pressure is taken through the use of a smart device like theHUAWEI Watch D2 wearable. Through the reading, you will know if you have low,normal, or high blood pressure. You must be keen on taking your blood pressureat particular parts of the day to understand your body better. You also have tomake changes in your behavior and lifestyle in case you are having problemswith your blood pressure levels. By knowing about blood pressure readings andtips on remedies to cure low blood pressure or high blood pressure, you can behealthy and stay healthy.