The level of alcohol consumption can negatively affect your bloodpressure. There are studies conducted on the amount of alcohol intake thatpeople have and the response of the body in terms of different aspects,including blood pressure. When asked, what causes of high blood pressure in thebody, a definite answer would be alcohol consumption. Too much alcoholconsumption can lead to elevated blood pressure. In this article, you will readmore about the connection between alcohol and high blood pressure.
Managing Blood Pressure by Limiting Alcohol
Understanding Alcoholic Beverages and TheirImpact on Blood Pressure
Alcoholic beverages are any type of drink that contains alcohol. The range of alcohol content may vary depending on the liquor that you may be drinking, whether it is beer, wine, whisky, vodka, or the like. In response to the question, what causes of high blood pressure in the body, you have to recognize that alcohol consumption is one of the leading reasons why people have elevated blood pressure. How much is too much in terms of alcohol consumption? According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, heavy drinking for women can be four or more drinks in a day or eight or more in a week. Men who consume five or more per week or 15 or more per week are considered heavy drinkers.
How Alcohol Affects the Body and ElevatesBlood Pressure
Alcohol consumption has many effects on the body. For the brain,alcohol can disrupt how the brain normally works. You can expect changes inyour behavior and the way you think when you are consuming alcohol. The liveris also affected by too much alcohol consumption. You may experience liverinflammations, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even alcoholic hepatitis. One part ofthe body that is greatly affected is the heart which can result in differentcardiovascular problems that include stroke, high blood pressure, irregularheartbeat, and drooping of heart muscle.
Practical Tips to Reduce AlcoholConsumption
The initial step to reduce alcohol consumption is to make thedecision to do so. This may be the most challenging step for most peoplebecause some have ushered drinking into their lifestyle. However, if no changesoccur in the way you drink alcohol, you may end up with different problems inyour body, including hypertension or worse. Second, you should invest in ablood pressure monitor like the HUAWEI Watch D2 so that you can monitor yourprogress as you reduce your alcohol intake. Third, you need to set limits,count the number of drinks that you have, and manage the people, places, andactivities that cause you to drink too much alcohol. Lastly, you have to finddeep support in the whole process of reducing your alcohol consumption bylooking for people including your family, friends, or other people who canencourage you while you deal with your alcohol intake.
As you ask, what causes of high blood pressure in the body, you alsohave to consider the ways to lower it. Alcohol consumption is often taken forgranted in terms of the reasons why blood pressure becomes elevated. One has torecognize first that he has high blood pressure by using a blood pressuremonitor like the HUAWEI Watch D2 which takes accurate and precise measurementson a daily basis. Next, he has to make an informed decision that he has toreduce his alcohol intake so that he will be responsible for the next steps.Alcohol consumption can be reduced by limiting the amount of drinks that youtake whenever you go out and knowing the triggers that can cause you to drinkmore than what you set for yourself.